10 Personal Finance Habits You Can Start Today

Personal finance is more about behavior than anything else, including math! You need to be creating habits with intention if you want to reach financial freedom. There are so many things you can do to turn your finances around and get control of your money (I recommend following Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps) and while I think all of those big goals are important, it’s also important to put in place the small, everyday habits that are going to help you change your behavior. You can stop living paycheck to paycheck and stop living with money stress, but you’re going to have to change the way you behave when it comes to your personal finances.

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Q & A: Should I Tithe While Getting Out of Debt?

I get it. You’re wondering if there are exceptions to the rules of tithing, like when you’re trying to throw every penny you have into your debt snowball. It’s a justified question. But first of all, let’s remember that tithing is not about rules, it’s about giving freely, so make sure you are giving out of love and not out of guilt. Secondly…

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How to Reduce Money Stress

So many of us are living day to day feeling overwhelmed and stressed out about the state of our finances. When an emergency comes up and you’re not sure how you’re going to pay for it…stress. When you want to be saving for your future and retirement but your bank account never has anything extra at the end of the month…stress. Let’s talk about some actions steps you can start today to reduce your stress levels.

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How To Create a Budget in 7 Easy Steps

The first time you sit down to create a budget can feel overwhelming and intimidating. Many people procrastinate creating a budget simply because they don’t know where to start. Some people, myself included, avoid it because it seems like something that requires a lot of time and effort we don’t have. The truth is, budgeting is really easy once you get the hang of it and I’ve come up with a quick step-by-step process that will make the first budget quick and easy. 

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Q&A: How Easy is it to Get Out of Debt?

If you’re feeling like you’re ready to get out of debt, you have to get gazelle intense. This is a phrase coined by Dave Ramsey and comes from Proverbs 6:4-5 which reads “Give no sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids. Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, And like a bird from the hand of the fowler. “ In other words, you need work your way out of debt with the same intensity that a gazelle runs away from a cheetah.

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20 Ways to Reduce Impulse Purchases

Impulse purchases are a serious issue. We’ve all fallen subject to that tempting cold drink right before the checkout line, the email that says “free shipping,” or the dessert deal to go with our pizza. Impulse buying is a habit that causes us to spend money we don’t have by either busting the budget or going into debt. We have to stop giving into these temptations if we’re ever going to reach our financial goals. That means we must understand what an impulse purchase is, why we do it, and most of all the steps necessary to end it.

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6 Ways to be Generous While Paying Off Debt

When you’re paying off debt, giving often has to take a backseat. You need to make sure to tithe from your monthly income, but we have to limit giving beyond that so we can get out of debt as fast as possible and then circle back to giving in the best way when the debt is gone. For someone who dreams of giving outrageously, this can feel constricting. But sometimes we forget that giving goes beyond money. We have so many opportunities to give that are not financially costly.

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Why You Need to Break Up With Debt

What would life look like if you didn’t have any payments? All those paychecks that come in already earmarked to go to debt payments for purchase you made in the past? What if you were actually in control and could decide what you want to do rather than living by what you have to do? You could do anything you want. That’s financial freedom.

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You Have Permission To Dream

Always remember, you have permission to dream. Sometimes we overthink it. We feel like we can’t possibly dream about what financial freedom looks like because we are so stuck in our current situation. Sometimes we even feel ashamed to allow ourselves to dream of such things that have felt impossible for so long. But the entire purpose of this blog is to convince you that it is possible, and you can do this. And it starts with one simple action step. Giving yourself permission to dream.

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